Comirnaty vaccine batches are contaminated with DNA at levels 300- to 500-fold higher than initially approved
Pfizer’s modified RNA injections, along with those from other manufacturers, pose several issues. A significant concern is the contamination with DNA. This deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) originates from genetically modified bacterial strains engineered to produce the target RNA of the spike protein, intended to trigger the immune response. The DNA, therefore, is a byproduct that should be thoroughly removed. Kevin McKernan identified and publicized this over a year ago. Recently, Professor König from Magdeburg has demonstrated that this issue is also present in Germany, even in standard vaccine batches provided by Pfizer [1]. Professor König is a virologist at the University of Leipzig and conducted these investigations in her private laboratory in Magdeburg. The findings (refer to the figure below corresponding to Fig. 2 from the original publication) show that the DNA content in these batches exceeds permissible levels by a factor of 300 to 500:

Approval documents stipulate an allowable upper limit of 10 nanograms of DNA contamination per dose (detailed references available in the original publication). Initially, this could be maintained as approval substances were produced under highly controlled laboratory conditions. However, for mass production, an alternative method involving genetically modified bacteria producing RNA along their own DNA was adopted. Consequently, bacterial DNA must be removed post-production—a challenging task given the similarities between DNA and RNA—leading to substantial „DNA waste“ left behind.
The reason this has gone unnoticed so far is simple: manufacturers were permitted to only search for a small fragment of DNA – only 1% of total expected DNA – using PCR. Why this was acceptable remains unexplained by regulatory and approval bodies. By comparing this amount with RNA quantities, one could claim minimal DNA contamination—a practice likely followed until now—allowing severe contamination to go undetected.
Professor König employed a straightforward technique using a standard laboratory procedure that attaches a luminescent signal to DNA. By measuring these light signals‘ intensity, one can precisely quantify the amount of emitting DNA and thus determine its exact concentration—similar to how manufacturers document RNA quantities but requiring slightly different signals for additional accuracy for DNA detection. Authorities and manufacturers need to explain why this method wasn’t used initially for determining DNA levels.
If applied correctly, it becomes evident that permissible levels are not 10 nanograms but rather between 3,600 and 4,800 nanograms per dose in active batches and even higher in expired doses.
The figure above additionally shows red bars extending beyond yellow ones—the latter representing free-floating DNAs within samples, while adding substances dissolving nanolipid particles encapsulating active immunologically relevant RNAs increases detectable DNAs marked by red bars‘ extent. Henceforth, suggesting DNAs aren’t just freely floating but also shielded within nanoparticles from immediate immune attacks or enzymatic degradation upon exposure without physiological roles—implying both RNAs & bacterial DNAs get injected simultaneously into bodies potentially integrating or causing unknown cellular disruptions upon entering cells—with millions-to-billions bacterial-DNA fragments present among recipients‘ bodies receiving such vaccines.
So what has been claimed, is now also clearly proven for Germany. From my perspective, the prosecutor should now become active, confiscate and investigate all batches, and hold accountable those responsible at the authorities and manufacturers. If this does not happen, only one conclusion is possible: We are dealing with a gigantic collusion of state power with the economy and the judiciary with the executive.
Regarding Professor König’s publication it should be mentioned, that it did not involve any esoteric biochemical techniques but employed standard lab methodologies. It is a scandal that independent labs need to undertake such work instead of taxpayer-funded institutions like Paul-Ehrlich-Institut or Max Planck Institutes/universities. It highlights systemic failures that are revealed three years post-vaccine campaign amidst rising adverse effects complaints accessible via MWGFD website (e.g., here). I was just recently elected chairperson and I appreciate the members‘ trust.
Sources and Literature
1. König, B., & J.O. Kirchner., Methodological considerations regarding quantification of DNA impurities in COVID-19 mRNA vaccine Comirnaty. Methods and Protocols., 2024., 7(41).