War, peace and the truth about the residual DNA in the BioNTech ‘vaccines’

Insight into larger contexts, also known as truth, freedom and peace are interrelated. In the Gospel of John, it sounds like this: “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). War and conflict arise, among other things, from the fact that someone can only take a certain perspective and cannot see and accept that of the other person. To see the truth, you have to have a broad view. If you don’t, you run the risk of slipping into the dichotomy of ‘either/or’, ‘me or you’, ‘good’ and ‘evil’. And the result is war.

We have seen a lot of this ‘culture of war’ in recent years. Currently, politically in the Ukraine crisis. I have just recently written a text about peace in times of war for the MWGFD website. In it, I take the beatification of Max Josef Metzger in the Freiburg Minster on 17 November 2024 as an opportunity to point out the danger of the current warmongering. Metzger was a pacifist and was executed by the Nazis for treason because of his pacifism. At the moment, no one is punished by death for treason in Germany. But many who do not go along with the warmongering are virtually and socially assassinated.

‘War’ was also the fight against the coronavirus with all means. Macron had said this at the very beginning: “We are at war against a virus”. Merkel had prophesied that we would only be free when everyone was vaccinated and thus passed on and reinforced not her own insight, but the message of her “friend” Bill Gates [1]. The virus was a biological weapon that had accidentally escaped from the hands of its creators. (See my new novel ‘Verschachtelte Wahrheit’ (Engl: ‘Nested Truth’), which will be published on 13 December 2024 and in which I present the results of my expert survey). And possibly the ‘vaccine’ against it was an even worse weapon. Whether intentionally or unintentionally released as a weapon, many generations of researchers will rack their brains over, if they have the leisure to do so at all.

My colleagues have now proven this in a remarkable and sensational work. Ulrike Kämmerer, Verena Schulz and Klaus Steger have definitively demonstrated in their recently published work in the journal ‘Science, Public Health Policy, and the Law’ what Kevin McKernan and Brigitte König have already published earlier: that the BioNTech/Pfizer ‘vaccines’ contain far too much DNA, more than five times the maximum allowed. They have detected a dangerous gene sequence in this DNA that is used in molecular biology to insert foreign genes into the genome of an organism. They have shown that the spike proteins are released from the infected cells in vesicles, and so the talk of the proteins remaining in the cell is a myth [2].

The work is summarised very competently and briefly by the authors themselves on the MWGFD page. The commentary by the editor of ‘Science, Public Health Policy, and the Law’ on this study can also be found there in German.

I had already pointed out the study by Brigitte König from Magdeburg, which confirmed Kevin McKernan’s findings that the BioNTech/Pfizer ‘vaccines’ are contaminated with DNA. I summarised the main points in this blog.

Therefore, here is only a very brief summary:

BioNTech/Pfizer had admitted in hearings before the European Parliament that a different process was used for the mass production of the substances than for the initial production for approval purposes. For the mass production, bacterial strains of Escherichia coli were modified in such a way that the built-in virus genes force the bacterium to produce the spike protein. In technical terms, this is called a bacterial template. In order to then incorporate the spike proteins as cleanly as possible into the nanoparticles, which are supposed to smuggle the substances into the cells, the DNA templates used to produce them must, of course, be cleaned off again. This is not so easy. Perhaps one would find a way or be able to do this cleaning thoroughly if one had enough time. But apparently this was not important enough for the manufacturers. And so quite a lot of impurities have remained in the material to be injected after all.

In total, my colleagues used 4 different vaccine batches, always refrigerated, and of course a blank control. In these vaccine batches, after all the RNA had been washed out, double-stranded DNA was found in an amount that was 4 to 5 times higher than the limit specified in the approval documents as permissible. It is important to know that this limit is actually completely arbitrary. Free DNA has no place in the body except in the cell nucleus. In this respect, this limit is already a very questionable concession to the manufacturers, which has now been violated by 4 to 5 times. Any normal pharmaceutical product containing that much contamination would be immediately withdrawn from the market by the relevant commissions.

Why is this important? You may ask. This is important because this DNA can migrate into the cell nucleus and integrate there. This has not yet been proven, but it is likely (another group is currently working on this proof). The researchers worked with cells from a culture that divides and continues to grow, just as our cells do in the body. In doing so, they saw that the DNA residues contain sequences that are used in genetic engineering to introduce foreign genes into the cell nuclei of cells. This is the so-called Simian-Virus-(SV)-40-promoter region – a complete gene sequence that originates from a simian virus and has long been used in research to smuggle other material into the genetic material in the cell nucleus. This is well known in molecular biology. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that there is a high probability that the DNA will integrate into the genome of the cell. This is apparently because the SV40 gene is particularly good at migrating into other gene sequences. It is therefore something of a genetic engineering vehicle, a gene taxi, so to speak, that inserts itself into existing gene sequences like a car cutting in front of you on the motorway. And you could transport anything you wanted in this taxi.

Now two facts are of particular importance:

This gene sequence is apparently only found in BioNTech/Pfizer substances, but not in Moderna preparations. In other words, this sequence is irrelevant and dispensable for the production of the ‘vaccine’. It could be that this gene sequence was ‘somehow accidentally’ contained in the bacterial cultures used to produce the preparation. This would indicate an unspeakable lack of care in the production process, and such a laboratory would have to be closed immediately. It seems more likely to me that this was an intentional experiment with a gene sequence that could be used to incorporate other genes into our cell nuclei in an emergency. In other words, it was most likely a genetic field experiment to test the possibilities of genetic engineering on a large scale.

In addition to this SV40 gene from the monkey virus, the researchers also found all the genes necessary for the production of the bacterial plasmid, i.e. the ring-shaped, self-replicating DNA strand of the original bacterium. This may be due to the lack of purification mentioned above, but it could also lead to this bacterial DNA being incorporated into the genes of the corresponding recipient cells via the SV40 promoter gene.

In addition, the DNA also contained a resistance gene for an antibiotic, namely kanamycin. Kanamycin is an antibiotic used primarily in animal husbandry to treat Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli infections. This resistance gene was offered to the producing E. coli strains, so to speak, as an attractant to get them to do something in return for the foreign genes they were producing, namely to acquire resistance to an antibiotic.

The delicate and at the same time highly dangerous thing about this field experiment is that it has now been proven that foreign DNA is present in large quantities. It has also been proven that a gene sequence is present that is used to integrate genes into a genome. This makes the incorporation of this foreign DNA into the cell likely.

This is not a conspiracy theory (anymore), but proven reality. Everyone can now consider: Why would you do something like that? Why would you inject substances on a massive scale that contain foreign DNA that is built to be optimised for inclusion in the genome of the host cell?

It seems obvious to me now: it is the first step towards genetic modification or making things worse by trying to improve them for humans on a broad scale. The necessity and desirability of such a possibility of intervention has been the subject of discussion in academic discourse on transhumanism over the course of 20 years [3-19].

Such a step can actually only have been taken in a very targeted and deliberate manner, otherwise one would have to assume an almost unimaginable degree of stupidity and blindness on the part of the actors. That would be very unkind. I would categorise such a step as a war against the integrity of our genome.

What we see on the outside – war between countries – has already begun in secret and in silence. Namely, a war against the integrity of human beings. It has been launched by dubious megalomaniacs and supported by our own government. That is the unbelievable thing.

I don’t think that our governments and leaders really knew what was going on here. But the scandal is that they allowed players with highly dubious interests and intentions to receive a blank cheque for field experiments. It is therefore important that we now demand a political investigation in which all these things are addressed.

The recently published work of my colleagues is one of the most important pieces of evidence that there have indeed been serious omissions and even offences that need to be clarified and accounted for.

Sources and further reading

  1. Merkel A. Rede von Bundeskanzlerin Merkel beim World Health Summit und Grand Challenges Meeting am 16. Oktober 2018 in Berlin In: Bundesregierung D, editor. Berlin: https://web.archive.org/web/20201107235345/ ; 2018.
  2. Kämmerer U, Schulz V, Steger K. BioNtech RNA-based COVID-19 injections contain large amounts of residual DNA including an SV40 promoter/enhancer sequence. Science, Public Health Policy, and the Law. 2024;v5.2019-2024(Dec 03).
  3. Elbek O. Risk Medicine and Transhumanism. Thorac Research and Practice. 2023;24(6):325-9. Epub 2023/11/01. doi: https://doi.org/10.5152/ThoracResPract.2023.23047. PubMed PMID: 37909831; PubMed Central PMCID: PMCPMC10724723.
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  5. Levin SB. Posthuman Bliss? The Failed Promis of Transhumanism. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2021.
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  8. Kurzweil R. Menschheit 2.0: Die Singularität naht. Berlin: Lola Books; 2013.
  9. Savulescu J, Bostrom N, editors. Human Enhancement. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2009.
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  15. de Grey ADNJ, editor. Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence. New York: New York Academy of Sciences; 2004.
  16. Hughes J. Citizen Cyborg: Why Democratic Societies Must Respond to the Redesigned Human Future. Cambridge MA: Westview Press; 2004.
  17. Fukuyama F. Our Posthuman Future: Consequences of the Biotechnology Revolution. London: Profile Books; 2002.
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